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Kryptokrona Faucet

You're only able to claim ONCE per address, the address will be securely hashed and saved to check if you have already claimed before. Please do not misuse or abuse the faucet so that more people will be able to use it.

This is an unofficial community faucet run and funded by Kaleinthranx. If you want to help with funding the faucet then you can send Kryptokrona to the faucet wallet listed down below, any help is appreciated.

Faucet Balance: Faucet under maintenance...

Please enter your Kryptokrona wallet address below to claim.

Faucet Wallet: SEKReUN7Ai3UziSXPkske31XWTf8mg4wqCMUa8JuFrVXP5wqhDp958CSHUwpBgFr1NgVDkMMuQPSf8Mbm1m4WTc7QuGi5ABMVrN